Friday, February 09, 2007

To buy and to sell

The Odyssey is sold and there is a "sold" sign on the demo Sedona that Carl test drove tonight - he will go back to finish the purchase tomorrow. Hopefully we will be going to a gymnastics birthday party in our new van tomorrow!

In other news... ACOT's birthday bash is tomorrow! Join me 1-2am EST (or 10-11pm my time) at ACOT! There will loads of games, contests, crops and prizes all day and I will be closing up the festivities late at night!
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Amy said...

Woohoo for getting the Kia....the oddysey of the oddysey is over [I probably spelled that wrong] Thanks for visiting me. I need help on my blog, maybe I should call Geri too! It's great to be able to keep up with Z and W now! Have a great weekend!

Geri said...

Wahoo for the odyssey being sold!!! a little late for me....I will have to think about that!

Christy said...

Congrats on the new vehicle! Woohoo!

Are you going to kill me if I point out that "challenge" is spelled incorrectly for the 7pm time slot?

justkc said...

Christy, I will not kill you because I didn't make the flyer. LOL!