Friday, February 09, 2007

Can you hear me now?

YES! HE CAN! The hearing test was passed with flying colors! William was so cooperative and so stinking adorable during the battery of tests the audiologist performed. She was so impressed with how great he did and asked if he was always this well behaved - uh, NO, never! LOL!

We have the Odyssey in our driveway! Finally. 75 days, $17,700 in repairs and $3500 in rental fees later. Goodness.

Today we will work on selling/trading in the van and hopefully we will have a Kia Sedona by 5pm tomorrow when we have a gymnastics birthday party. Sunday we might have breakfast or lunch with my family (to celebrate my birthday, 2 weeks later). My mom and I just scheduled one of my birthday babysitting days for Feb. 17th. Wahoooooooooo! Date night, well date afternoon since we try to get back by 7-8pm and get the kids changed and in the car and on the way home. We need it.

I hope to be back later with a new LO.

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