Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I broke it...

I broke my laptop. It still works but I now have a giant gash through the screen that serves as a constant reminder of what a complete klutz I am. I was sitting with William on the couch, my laptop on the arm of the couch. William fell off the couch and in the process of trying to keep him from falling on his head I knocked my laptop down and it did something bad inside. I am glad it still works but now I have to type blindly when I hit the left side of the screen. Digiscrapping is ok because I can shrink the screen but sending emails is a pain. Blah. That stinks.

William spent the weekend throwing up and now has a cough and runny nose. I was so impressed with how well we all made it through cold and flu season but it looks like we may be suffering at the back end.

My first broken laptop LO:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

All the goodies are by Corina Nielsen and available at The font is by Darcy Baldwin and available at - full credits at DST.
The paper is from Corina's The Big Day Collection - look at these crazy colors!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME LO - I love how bright it is!!! Bummer about the laptop though - I suppose the positive side to it would be that it wasn't worse!! Have a great day anyway :)

Karen (lindse) said...

I am impressed that you can scrap with only haft a screen! LOL KC :)
Wonderful LO though! hehe
PS This is lindse..but I can´t really log in as myself b/c of your comment settings :)

Kirsty said...

Ooh thats a bummer about your laptop!! I hope you can get it fixed soon! Your layout looks awesome though! I also have those papers, just gotta find the perfect photos for them! Have a great day :)

Christine said...

That totally sucks!! But at least it still works.. right??

LOVE the layout :)

Christy said...

Well, better your laptop than William's head! Little consolation now, I'm sure.

Kelly said...

Oh no! Ugh my laptop has fallen off the couch a few times too... I never thought it could do that so now I will be more safe... ugh! I hope you are able to get it fixed (or a brand new laptop?? LOL)

Beautiful LO!

Thena said...

Ohhh, so sorry about the laptop!

I had used mine so gently and it went kaput on me so now I have a new one and I enjoy it and figure it will break eventually no matter what I do.

Big Hugs,

Nicki said...

Beautiful layout. Sorry about the laptop! Can you get it fixed?