Friday, September 15, 2006

So maybe I stink at this?

Now I have time to blog since I cannot scrap *waaaa*. My laptop is *FULL*. DH ordered a 500GB Storage Server from and we were expecting it on 9/13. When we checked the shipping info we found that it had left California (where we are) and is now on its way to NEW JERSEY! WHAT??? So I finally go a hold of both UPS and Costco today and they are innitating an investigation and if it is confirmed by UPS to Costco that it is indeed lost then they will expidite ship a new item. Geesh. All I want to do is DL the stuff I have purchased and get to play!

I love my last page. September 13th was the 10th anniversary of our first date. The song "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette was a frequent guest in my CD player those first weeks of our relationship and on Wednesday I was in the car and that song came on! I knew I had to come home and scrap it! I had to keep deleting things from my laptop in order to keep working/saving. I stayed up until 5am completing the page. I love that picture of DH. My cutie pie :)

I have some other faves I haven't shared on my blog - well how could I share if I never post LOL!

Zachary LOVES his Buzz.
This picture is from late spring (when he also still loved the binkie) but Buzz is still a constant companion. Why couldn't he love a darker colored friend? LOL Buzz is scuzzy! I thought this kit from Shawna Clingerman was perfect for Buzz pages! Especially since Zachary wants to be Buzz for Halloween! My awesome friend Geri is sending her boys' Buzz costume for us to borrow and the Woody Hat for William. William is such a peanut that the Woody Costumes out there are just all too big so I am thinking a pair of jeans, a yellow button up, the Woody hat and then I will make a vest with a badge. I have been searching for some teeny cowboy boots but I won't pay $15 for something he will only wear for Halloween.

Last year both of my boys were pumpkins... the same pumpkin Zachary was for his first 3 Halloweens LOL! This is the first year we will be breaking the Pumpkin mold!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I am a winner!

I won a prize at a baby shower today! The prize was really cool - an umbrella. What a fun play on the idea of a "shower"! How I won, well rather embarrassing.

The shower was for a friend who had her second son on August 17th. Yes, that is right, just over a week ago! Baby Paul was there and amazingly beautiful. The only "game" we played was a mixer. We each got a paper to nominate 3 people - one for most embarassing potty/diaper changing story, one for the most embarassing breastfeeding/feeding story and the last was for the most memorable tantrum.

The most embarassing potty story was a mother/daughter team that was at the shower - years ago when the daughter (who is now a grandma) was 2 she wandered away from mom at Montgomery Wards and "used" a display toilet in the hardware section! LOL! Yikes!

Most embarassing breastfeeding story went to the mom who 15 years ago was a frantic first time mother and answered the door to a horrified mailman who pointed out that her nursing bra and nursing shirt were completely open.

And I won for most memorable tantrum... a month or so ago we were at Costco. Zachary (3.5) was in the big part of the cart, William (1.5) was in the front. We were all getting tired and crabby and the lines were long. I took the boys in the cart to get in line while DH went and picked up a few last items. As he walked away he tossed a box in to the cart with Zachary. Zachary picked up the box and started YELLING "MOMMA, WHAT IS THIS???? WHAAAAAAAAAAT ISSSSSSSSSS ITTTTT?". I asked him to put it down, stop yelling. He continued. I asked again... so he THREW it. The box skidded to a stop 3 lanes away, on the foot of an older gentleman. I couldn't get to the box because of the lines, couldn't leave the boys unattended. So I stood, mortified, while this nice man returned my box of 3 dozen condoms. All of that and who knows if we will even use that huge box before the expiration date! *LOL*

Well at least I got a cool new umbrella and a story to tell my future DIL out of the whole experience!
We went on a date last night. A real, honest DATE! Granted it started at 3pm and was over before 7pm but it was just my love and I! We went out for Thai food - something we never get with kids because we don't give them peanuts. Yum! We splurged on carbs and had an order of Pad Thai and then stuck with good healthy goodies like a huge plate of beautiful grilled veggies and beef satay. It was so yum! I had a glass of Reisling and DH had a Thai iced tea. We had such a lovely time just talking and enjoying each other. After dinner we went to Starbucks and played checkers. I tried to have a South Beach Diet friendly latte but it wasn't great - maybe 2 shots of SF vanilla syrup next time? When we got to my parents' to pick up the boys they were happily playing in the tub but glad to see us.

This date was to celebrate our 10th dating anniversary on 9/13 (our first date was on Friday the 13th!). My mom is having surgery in the coming weeks so we went now while we could. I will blog more another day about my mom, right now it is a little too raw. Anyway, 10 YEARS! Amazing! I so love this frustrating and dedicated man!

Kit - No Place Like Home by Tamara Burwick available at (full credits at DST)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We packed up the boys and drove home where I found my Mojo! Welcome back!

Paula Duncan and Robin Carlton's 2 Scoops Kit - Creme De Menthe available at Sweet Shoppe Designs (full credits at DST)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Kit - Hayfield Dream by Paula Duncan (full credits at DST)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Well now that I started, why stop there?

We have these two beautiful boys and are hoping for a 3 child to bless our family. We had discussed trying to make a new person this late summer/early fall... as in now. But we made a big decision. We are waiting, probably until next late summer/fall. We do not want another holiday season baby and I think that I would enjoy having the boys a little older. So if we try next fall we would have a spring/summer baby that would be 5.5 and 3.5 younger than his/her older brothers. That works for me.

We made this decision this week and then tonight ran in to my OB/GYN at Costco! I adore her. She thought we were crazy to have 2 in almost 2 years so she approved when she heard that we won't be getting on her OB schedule for awhile longer!

I have to say that there are so many beautiful pink-girly kits out there that I am often wishing I could pick the gender of #3 just for the LOs (that is really, really sick, isn't it?).
So tonight I was complimented on my scrapping but my blogging ability was trashed. So trying again.

How about some life basics?

My sons are 1.5 and 3.5. They are awesome and frustrating and adorable. And they aren't getting enough sleep. Zachary has finished napping, most days. At 3.5 he doesn't seem to need a nap everyday but on no nap days he should probably be in bed at about 5:45pm LOL! So we have a new found dedication to a reasonable (7:30pm) bedtime. This is really cramping our style. Taking the two of them out to run errands on my own is so not fun, so we have been running errands after dinner. Well that is out because now DH gets home at 5:45, we eat dinner at 6, do baths and get the boys in PJs, read stories, brush teeth and it is after 7!

On the other hand, the kids were both asleep at 7:30 tonight! AMAZING! Too bad DH fell asleep soon after and is still snoozing on the couch. Geesh. We are getting O L D.

I have been in a scrapping funk lately but here are a couple of recent creations... (visit my DST gallery for full credits):

Two LOs using Mindy Wade's Rise and Shine kit available at

My crabby guys on Christmas morning.
William and his many faces.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Splash Posted by Picasa
Everyone must start somewhere, so here we are.